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Know me better.



I am an old soul craving for adventure. This planet fascinates me endlessly. Mother Earth has countless ressources, food, landscapes and people. I strongly believe there is more to life than paying the bills. I was born with dreams and I am constantly growing with new ones. Even tough this society wants us to go in only one direction, the one that makes money, I choose to be happy.  Happiness before stress. We are here to have fun, so let’s have fun.


I feed myself with yummy vegan food. There are so many plants on Earth, harming animals for food, beauty products, sports is no longer an option for me. I also love cooking. Mixing spices with tasteful plants makes my soul proud. I love sharing recipes and making tummies happy ;)


Self-care is  my day to day passion. Meditating, yoga, painting, drawing, music and  learning are capable of putting a big smile on my face. I strongly believe in the law of attraction, in miracles and that we are the creators of our lives. I create my own reality by listening to my heart. The intuiton is so powerful.

I want to inspire others to live the life of theirs dreams. 


I hope that you will be a part of this amazing journey!

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