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  • Writer's pictureAngélique Bellemare

Why you should start living the life of your dreams

I thought for a long time that I had to wait until I finished school to start chasing my dreams. I rapidly figured that it wasn’t true. At all. You can wait till you are financialy stable or when you are sixty years old, but it is YOUR job to make yourself happy in the present moment. If you feel stuck, there is always a way to get yourself out of this situation. I know sometimes it can be really hard to get out of that vicious circle, but believe me,YOU CAN DO IT.

I will tell you something.

You have been put on this Earth for one single reason. Live. You have one life; make sure you actually live it like it was. Experience things, be scared and go forwards anyway. Listen to your heart, it knows what to do more than you can imagine. If you are twenty or sixty years old, my message is the same. You have that amazing privilege of being alive. You can breathe; you can create memories and dreams. Don’t waste your time thinking that it is going to be different when you will get older. You literally NEVER know when your journey on this Earth is going to end. It could be tomorrow or in five years. Make sure that every day is lived like it should. Be grateful for what you have, those things will make you very proud one day.

Whatever dream you have in mind, it is possible. Stay focused, believe and work. Don’t give up, you don’t have time to waste in doubting yourself. If you crave for more, do more. Take that unknown path, do unknown things. Yes, I agree, it is scary but so worth it. You will meet new people in this journey. You will go to places you’ve never been before. You will cry but you will laugh much more. You will grow and find new truths. You will breathe easier. Find your peace within and good things will come, I promise. You are strong, you are very much capable.

Make yourself proud, you owe that to yourself.

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